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Struggling with Netgear ex6250 AC1750 Setup Errors? Here's the fix

Struggling with Netgear ex6250 AC1750 Setup Errors? Here's the fix

Netgear EX6250 AC1750 setup errors, wireless interference, router's configuration issues, or any of several other technical glitches affect the speed and stability of your existing WiFi connection. In this post, we will be helping you in diagnosing and fixing the causes of your slow and sluggish internet connection like a pro.

Check Your Existing WiFi Router Settings

As a centerpiece of the home networking system, a broadband router can be responsible for slow and sluggish internet connections if it is not configured properly.

Make sure that your router is placed a bit far away from your main modem and the router should be updated by the latest firmware of technology too. For help, interact with our certified and highly-qualified professionals.

Avoid Signal Interference

Bluetooth speakers, public WiFi and other types of wireless connections often perform poorly because of signal interference caused by third-party networking devices. Microwave Owens, juicer mixer grinder, baby monitors, electronic toys, metal appliances, concrete walls, doors, reflection of mirrors, refrigerators, treadmills, cordless phones, etc. also affect the range of the internet. To permanently resolve this issue, it is requested to place your router out of the reach of these obstructions.

Beware of Malware, Spyware, and Other Worms

An internet worm (virus) is a dangerous software program that spreads from device to device through a WiFi network. If any of your device (computer / laptop) get infected by an internet worm or other viruses, they might spontaneously generate network traffic without notifying you and slow down your internet range as well.

To fix this issue, keep anti-virus software up-to-date.

Make sure that your Router and Netgear WiFi Range Extender is Working Properly

For this, you have to make sure that router and the range extender are up-to-date. Moreover, to setup Netgear WiFi extender, you have to connect both the devices (router and the range extender) with each other physically and properly. Netgear wireless range extenders are very helpful in extending the range of existing WiFi network to far corners of the house. For its setup instructions, make sure to access the web address .

Choose the Best Location for your Device's to Place

For optimal performance, it is recommended to place your devices (router and the range extender) at a neat, cool, high, and a dry shelf. If you want your devices to work properly for you, do not hide them at back of any device or place them inside cabinet. Do not overheat, overload, or cover them.

You might have a question on how to setup a Netgear WiFi extender? If your answer is yes, then simply:

  • Plug router and the range extender into an electrical outlet.

  • Wait for a few minutes for the LED lights on your device illuminates to solid green.

  • Grab a computer or laptop and connect anyone with the Netgear wireless repeater (extender).

  • Load up a web browser.

  • Visit Netgear extender setup web page

Note: mywifiextnet local is the web address used to configure your iOS and Apple devices with the Netgear range extender.

  • Once done with the web address, hit enter and fill in the default login credentials into the asked fields of the page displayed.

  • As soon as you hit on the icon “Log In”, you don't have to do nothing. Just follow the given on-screen instructions and soon you will have the answer on how to setup Netgear extender .

For more troubleshooting tips, you are more than a welcome to contact “the solution partner of Netgear” team through a toll-free number which we have shared with you already in starting of this post. You can also do the same via comment section below.